The first step is to buy all the ingredients.
100% Pure Concord Grape Juice (with no chemicals added):
The Concord grapes (queen of grapes) do the work because they have the correct information especially after pasteurization (cooking); this process brings the grape juice into a “higher order.” (By opening up its structure atomically to release its energy.)
Any brand will do, organic not organic, from concentrate not concentrate; Do not over think it, they all work.
Small, black, old wine-making grapes otherwise any dark grapes, black cherry, pomegranate, cranberry, Aronia, guava, watermelon or dark berry juices is also acceptable. There is an abundance of fruits in every country that can be used, we just need to be test them.
Lemon juice, raw or cooked, activates the grape juice creating a strong plasmatic field interaction by gradient.
Use a few drops of lemon juice up to two lemons per quart/litre of cooked grape or other suggested juice to activate the fields.
Lime or any other citrus may be used, but it is wise to still add some lemon.
Cooked or pasteurised lemon juice is a stronger choice and will also work for activation with the grape or other suggested juices.
(Psyllium) Plasma Pudding™©:
1 lb Psyllium Husk powder
4 Tablespoons Activated Charcoal powder
4 Tablespoons Bentonite Clay powder
Using the recipe above, mix the 3 dry ingredients in a big container then take as suggested below under “Consume Ingredients”, “Psyllium or Plasma Pudding.”
Herbs may support the body during the MFS to allow deeper cleansing and regeneration for effectiveness and your safety.
Kidney Tea:
The recommend brand is the Bell Kidney Tea OR
Make your own mixture, it is cheaper and will produce a fresher batch, using the following herbs:
Astragalus root
Couch grass
Lavender flowers
Marshmallow root
Nettle leaves
Parsley leaves
Uva ursi leaves
You may substitute other kidney herbs if all of these are not available in your country.
MFS Herbal Tincture Formulas:
We have a Master Herbalist, who prepares all of our herbal tincture formulas mixed on demand for you.
They are infused for 30 days in a 2:1 ratio of 50% organic sugar cane alcohol to wild crafted or organic herbs. We believe they are the best, most potent, and lowest prices on the market. We sell them for $72.00 CAD/herbal formula, buy MFS designed kits and save. Click here
We have over 60 herbal formulas to cover everything. Each formula has 6-20 herbs for a huge synergy and better effectiveness with all human traits and astrological signs.
Please let us know if you are a strict vegan before ordering. Buying herbs does not include support/coaching. For support/coaching, Gifts of $180-$900 or more are usual but I do not refuse anybody willing to do what ever it takes, no matter how long and no matter what after they have fully read everything and watched all videos.
You may choose one of following herbal tincture kits:
The Last Supper 12 Divine 9 Super 6 Star Formation 4
Bowel Blaster, Brain & Nerve 2, Circulation 3 (Lower & Upper), Glands, Heart to Heart, Kidney 1, Liver & G/B, Longevity, Male or Female Reproductive, Parasite G-M, Pituitary Bowel Blaster, Glands, Heart to Heart, Kidney 1, Liver & G/B, Longevity, Lymphatic 1, Male or Female Reproductive, Parasite G-M Bowel Blaster, Glands, Kidney 1, Liver & G/B, Lymphatic 1, Parasite G-M Bowel Blaster, Glands, Kidneys 1, Lymphatic 1
After over 2 years of testing with many people’s feedback, we have found our MFS kits below cover a wide range, the Divine 9 will cover 60-70% of all issues and The Last Supper 12 will cover over 90% of all issues. The Super 6 is for a tight budget and Star Formation 4 is the absolutely minimum to do MFS. These last two kits are great for MFS Super Hybrid and MFS Hybrid.
For orders within Europe, please contact Peter Angel, you can PM him on Facebook:
Super Green Powder :
You may add to your tea on fasts longer than 63 days only if you feel you need to.
Remember any digestion will take away from a true fast as deep healing and balance can only be achieved by your own body.
We sell 1 lb (454 grams) for $66.00
Each 8 Gram Serving Contains:
Chlorella 750mg, Barley Grass 1500mg, Spirulina 750mg, Broccoli 750mg, Beet Root 500mg, Carrot 500mg, Bee Pollen 750mg, Alfalfa 750mg, Grape Seed 750mg, Rose Hips 750mg, Stevia 500mg
What To Do
Now that you have gathered all the ingredients, you can now begin your MFS Journey. The second step is to consume the ingredients.
100% Pure Concord grape juice and lemons:
Squeeze at least 1-3 fresh lemons (minimum of 3 drops for those sensitive to lemon) per 1 litre/quart of grape juice.
Drink 1-3 litre/quarts per day.
Reminder: Drinking less is more aggressive and more effective but we need to drink enough.
Sip and chew the juice all day (do not guzzle) in a 12-hour or less window (dry fasting is part of the system – read below).
Sipping slowly and swirling the juice around in your mouth before swallowing mixing it with the saliva allows plasmatic field interaction to begin in your mouth for conversion.
Never force yourself to drink a certain amount, listen to your body’s needs.
(Psyllium)Plasma Pudding:
Take 1- 4 Tablespoons of the Plasma Pudding with 1-2 cups (237-476 ml) of grape with lemon juice.
Consume immediately or wait until it gels up and eat like “pudding” once daily (hence the name!).
Tip: Take 15-20 minutes after tea/tinctures or first thing in morning, then wait at least 30-60 minutes to consume your tea/tinctures OR last thing in the day inside your drinking window.
As it passes through our GI tract, it plasmatically is finding balance as it gently massages the villi, attracting all acids, plaque, toxins, sulphur, chemicals and parasites on its way out.
Kidney tea/herbal formulas:
You can make a large batch of the kidney tea by adding approx 1 teaspoon of kidney tea per cup of water.
Bring to a boil, shut off, let sit overnight, strain and refrigerate.
When ready to consume, re-heat 1 cup (237ml) of the tea.
Add 0.5ml-4ml (depending on your weight, please check chart here) of each herbal tincture to the hot tea for stronger fields which also lets the alcohol evaporate or,
You have the option to take both the kidney tea and herbal formulas separately or with juice for children.
Repeat 2 times per day at opposite ends of your drinking window.
Drink this separate from the grape juice/lemons.
You can drink it hot or cold, but add herbal tinctures when hot to remove alcohol esp if driving though not necessary.
You can re-boil the herbs once or twice, but add a pinch of fresh herbs.
You may also use spent herbs for making herbal tea for enemas.
It is best is to use non-metal pots like glass, terracotta, ceramic, enamel coated, etc. for making the tea.
For a change, you can add any veggies or any other herb you like using the kidney tea as the base to change flavours to your liking, bring all to boil, let sit overnight, drink cold or reheat. It basically turns like a broth/soup, which we strain so there is zero fibre.
The broth is NOT meant to replace the kidney tea, only to add to it to help settle emotion. Making a separate broth and drinking more will only take away from MFS. V=P-O (Vitality = Power – Obstructions), or less is more.
Master Lui-Gino or any select MFS Specialists or people who have already done at least 40 days of MFS may be able to assist you along on Master Fast System Facebook page (an amazing support page) for support so everyone learns. It is very prudent to be guided during the detoxification process to gain the maximum benefits and avoid issues. Master Lui-Gino has more than 26 years experience with fasting, is a Certified Detoxification Specialist and a Keshe Space Ship Institute student for over 2 years. MFS is sound and works if you work the system.
Dry Fasting
Why should we make dry fasting part of our lives?
Dry Fasting is as vast as the stars when it comes to healing.
I keep referring to Arnold Ehret’s formula. Arnold Ehret created the equation Vitality = Power – Obstruction, (V = P – O). As soon as Obstruction (O) becomes greater than the body’s Power (P), which is derived from the breath, the body comes to a standstill. In simple terms, when you have obstructions, the body uses its power to try and remove them, when there are no obstructions, very little power is used, so vitality goes way up. Less is always more. Learn to adapt this law in your life.
Physical foods only give us less than 20% of our energy and most foods take more energy than they give. “Nutrition” is a man made illusion in our modern society. Remove all physical foods by fasting and the body heals. How does it do this? It is the subtle energies (plasma) of the Universe where we derive most of our energy or access to plasma within each cell. That is how the body heals. Remove all foods and give your digestive system a rest so you can tap into the cosmos with no obstructions. This is why dry fasting is as vast as the stars when it comes to healing. The cosmos subtle energies are way more powerful. Believe and tap into these sources. Make dry fasting part of your life. Train your body, mind and spirit to adapt to these laws in your life and you will move towards balance. This is how all other species throughout the universe do it as well as breatharians. Humans are the only species who eat other living species (plants or animals) in the whole universe. The animal kingdom on this planet is a reflection of man’s emotion. As soon as humanity stops eating other species and finds peace, the lion will lay with the lamb.
I have been practicing different types of fasting for over 26 years. I have been dry fasting and also stopped drinking water for over 3 years with the greatest results. I dry fast on average 16-18 hours daily, 48-72 hours weekly, 3 days monthly and min 5 days at every season change. That is at least 9 days per month or 116 days per year of no eating. This is part-time breatharianism, just living off of subtle energies of the plasmatic nitrogen in the air, sun and cosmos. As time goes on, I find that I cannot eat anywhere near what I used to and when I try to, I feel horrible. Less is always more. Love, peace and the new beginning for 2017. Everyone can do this, as everything is possible.
MFS includes dry fasting:
I like to do dry fasting, just air as long as possible, till your mouth is so dry you cannot take it, then go dry wet, taking maximum 1/2 doses of the herbal tinctures only and doing cold showers, baths or swimming. Also do oil pulling to help with dry mouth, do not drink. Dry fasting opens up channels that are not possible to open while consuming the juice and allows your cells to hydrate at the cellular level if you make it part of your life. For those new to the MFS or who does not have any fasting experience, start with minimal hours and increase when comfortable. Fasting hours include your sleep hours.
Below are the suggested dry fasting hours which are part of the Master Fast System and should be kept for life as well, even after returning to your eating patterns.
Daily dry: 12-20 hours – Start on the low end, move up slowly over weeks/months/years if not a regular faster and clean eater for a minimum of 1-2 years.
Weekly dry: 24-48 hours – Start on the low end, move up slowly over weeks/months/years if not a regular faster and clean eater for a minimum of 1-2 years.
Monthly dry: 72 hours – Do your best (all dry fasting includes sleep hours).
Every Season change – 5 days dry for experienced people only (more than 5 days not recommended without supervision and minimum 1-2 years of dry fasting experience along with a clean diet). No enemas during dry fasting, we do not worry about bowel movements inside dry fasting. When breaking a dry fast over 24 hours, we end with ‘MFS Bubbly™©‘, then enema a few hours later.
We Start the weekly or longer dry fasts over 24 hours with and enema then our “MFS Bubbly™©”.
When breaking your dry fast:
First drink your MFS Bubbly™©, then do an enema 2 or more hours after hydrating.
To make the MFS Bubbly™©, combine these ingredients:
1 cup (237ml) of grape juice
Juice of 1 lemon
1-2 Tablespoons (15-30ml) of Apple Cider Vinegar
Then add 1 teaspoon of baking soda
Use a big glass or large jar, as it will foam up and overflow your cup/glass otherwise. Once settled, drink it slowly.
This helps cool the kidneys from acids the dry fasting has produced.
You can then drink some coconut water (option) or the Concord grape juice/lemons over several hours to re-hydrate if less than a 5 day dry fast. If longer than a 5 day dry, sip on kidney tea for a day or 2 before drinking juice.
It is strongly recommended that you keep the dry fasts as part of your lifestyle for life after breaking the Master Fast, as it is the deepest form of cleansing for bashing cravings, reset, cellular hydration and balance.
When to break the dry fast:
If its is very difficult to breathe
If you have too much diarrhea
If there is no urine output, understand how the body is working very intelligently while dry fasting, just be aware. No need to stop if you understand.
No more saliva
Heart keeps racing over 100 beats per minute and will not go down
Very low/high blood pressure
So weak you can hardly move
Very dizzy or vertigo
Emotionally out of control
Be wise, be prudent, you do not have to be a hero, slow and steady finishes the race.
It takes a good clean diet for at least 1-2 years and at least 1-2 years of dry fasting regularly to go over 5 days safely.
Always use the MFS Bubbly™© (baking soda/lemon/apple cider vinegar mix) and enema/colonics to start and break your dry fasts.
Remember to practice all types of breathing, low deep shallow breathing is best for raising CO2 levels.
Watch this video Master Gino made while practicing deep breathing to re-balance yourself:
MFS Hybrid ™©
was designed for children, elderly or to live on and is exactly the same as MFS except 1 meal of mainly fruit at the end of the day. You may add a raw soup or salad 20-30 minutes after your fruit meal if you are still hungry so it’s as one meal. Eat water-rich ripe fruits that are in season, and fresh greens salads.
If you are consuming any fruit, veggies, super-greens powders, herbal capsules or any other food substance, then you are on the MFS Hybrid, not pure MFS as digestion is activated.
There is quite a difference as on the pure MFS as we avoid all digestion to allow access to our blueprint cellular design in the ether. The Plasma Pudding has no digestible ingredients to activate digestion.
Super MFS Hybrid™©
is exactly the same as MFS except the one meal will be only of cooked type store bought jams or cooked fruit at the end of the day instead of eating a raw fruit meal as we do with MFS Hybrid. We may use concord grape, dark berries, cherries or any other fruit we suggest for drinking within MFS. We may use store bought jams (blend with 1/2 lemon, this is your meal) or cooked fruit. First blend up your fresh or frozen fruit, then boil/cook for 9 minutes. So either the jam and/or fresh/frozen cooked fruit blended with lemon (may add lemon peel as well) will be your one meal on Super MFS Hybrid.
Make sure your bowels are moving everyday on the MFS, we highly recommend to use enemas/colonics daily except on dry fasts as they are dry.
Doing enemas daily will only benefit and make your experience much more pleasurable during MFS. Doing colonics once a week during MFS will help remove much of the waste that has been dislodged from MFS.
You may also do enemas (if colonics are not available) using purified water, Concord grape juice/lemons, baking soda, juiced grasses or herbal teas.This keeps the bowels moving and will help when feeling very tired, in pain, emotional or feel like your burning up because of loosened acids and toxins.
We highly recommend to do colonics or daily enemas to make your journey safe, more comfortable and effective.
Life Colonics in Toronto, ON
If you live in down-town Toronto, we highly recommend the services of Rana El-rass at Life Colonics
Life Colonics is offering colonics at a discounted rate for clients on the Master Fast ($60/session, instead of $90/session)
Light exercises like brisk walking, biking, yoga, rebounding and stretching etc when your body has the energy are great, use it. Sometimes you need to push yourself a bit when you do not feel like doing yoga, you will feel better after.
Avoid strenuous exercises unless the kidneys are filtering well. If body requires rest, then rest, go to bed early.
Water, there is no need to drink water on MFS as the MFS provides sufficient hydration to the body. Actually, we do not recommend drinking any water, except when used to make herbal teas. Water actually dehydrates you at the cellular level. Cellular Hydration is about hydrogen not water. Heavy cooked food eaters, or eating salty foods will lead you to drink water but will never solve cellular de-hydration as it leads you spiraling into dehydration.
If you get hungry you may take 1 teaspoon of unpasteurized honey or 1 teaspoon of maple syrup, 2-3 times daily maximum.
If you get cold, wear extra clothes and/or use a hot-water bottle in bed to keep warm. Also, saunas, hot sea salt/baking soda baths, end your showers with cold water etc. Also use your warming spices in your tea, eg Ginger, Cardamon, Cinamon etc. It is very important to keep warm. Cold water treatment helps.
Detox symptoms
(also know as healing reactions) can be anything from aches and pains to temporary blindness and paralysis in extreme cases of toxemia.
Understanding how the body heals. The Universe is always in motion as STAGNATION = DISEASE!
JUMP FOR JOY, you are on your way to healing. The lower the lows will only bring higher highs.
Other detox symptoms include:
Skin rashes
Blurred vision
Hair loss
Nails falling out
Toothache or decay
Joint pain
Kidney pain
Change in body temperature
Difficulty breathing
Heart palpitation
Erratic or racing heart
Heart slowing down
Cold/flu-like symptoms
Strong emotions
Tumors growing temporarily
Frequent urination
Weight-loss (don’t worry about losing waste)
Weight- gain
Feeling like you are dying
and just about any other symptom
This is where trust and faith in Universal or Natures operating table is very important.
If you let the body do what it knows best without interfering, it can restore balance as everything is possible in the realm of MFS.
Our bodies have a self-healing system built in. Animals in Nature fast when sick or injured to allow their bodies to heal. As time goes on, the detoxification goes deeper and deeper layer by layer, like peeling an onion, until you hit the centre of nothing, the emotions where everything starts, seed of all dis-ease and the root of all dis-ease in physicality is in the Gi tract and lymphatic system.
MFS may bring up symptoms like intense cravings or unsettled emotions from the past. Embrace the detoxification symptoms when they surface and let them go.
We can assist the body during the healing process by fasting
Giving the stomach a complete rest puts all the body’s energy to healing.
Remember to give the body time to heal and rest as much as possible when tired.
Any-time you feel drained and out of energy or constipated, you can assist your body with enemas or colonics to help ease the detoxification process. You can do enemas using purified water, Concord grape juice/lemons, baking soda, grasses or herbal teas. This keeps the bowels moving and will remove the toxins that are making you feel weak.
If you are feeling pain or your kidneys are not filtering, use castor oil packs 3 days on and 3 days off on the pain site or on your kidneys. Use 100% cotton or flannel (with no colours or dyes). Soak the cloths in castor oil, (a pinch of cayenne may be added), heat, put plastic on top and then use a hot water bottle to drive the oil into the area with the heat. Apply for 30 minutes or leave overnight. 3 days on, 3 days off, repeat. Here is a useful video:
You can also use an ice pack on the pain site for 5-10 minutes every hour.
If you have nausea/vertigo, alternate hot and cold packs on the back of the head (cerebellum area) for 5 minutes at least 9 times (start and finish with cold).
Use prudence. If you feel overwhelmed at any time, like you cannot breathe, use emergency services at a nearby hospital to stabilize yourself and get back on the healing process ASAP.
Feeling weak has nothing to do with not eating
You are getting sufficient so called “nutrition”, tons of infinite energy from MFS, more so than anything you have ever eaten before. All your weaknesses will come to the surface on MFS to be healed by your body (also known as detox symptoms or healing reactions).
If new to fasting you may get dizzy when getting up from bed or chair, please do get up very slowly each time during any fast. Use breath work and if feeling faint, sit or squat immediately and press your index finger firmly just under your nose upper lip area and hold till you feel better while breathing slowly and deep through your nose.
If feeling faint, sit or squat immediately and press your index finger firmly just under your nose upper lip area and hold till you feel better while breathing slowly and deep through your nose.
Breaking the Master Fast
Coming off the fast is much more important than the fast itself and must be done with prudence.
Breaking the fast is where most people fail and can hurt themselves. Almost every single person faces challenges breaking the fast and may put his/her body in danger. We will all make mistakes, but lets be safe about them.
Some people need to be grounded and can break the fast with one-two weeks of green juices to help re-ground yourself or continue with Super Hybrid or MFS Hybrid for life. If you are craving the worst of the worst foods, there are better choices. Dairy products are the absolute worst, grains (equal pains), fats, starches and proteins will all cause issues. These are like glue and will stick to the fresh clean new GI tract like super-glue at the cellular level.
Fresh water-rich fruits such as melons (eat melons alone or leave them alone), berries, acid and sub-acid fruits are great. If acid fruits are too strong (causing pain), stick to sub-acid fruits. All fresh, ripe in-season fruits are best. A salad or a raw soup at dinner is fine, but best to stay on fruits and herbs to continue cleansing after breaking the fast at least as long as you fasted for. This is a detoxification journey. If you want a salad, eat fruit first and then 20 minutes later eat the salad or raw blended soup.
Fruits should always be eaten on an empty stomach (best as first meal of the day). Otherwise, wait at least 4 hours after eating anything else.
Fruits are species specific to humanity in physicality, least karmic and easiest to digest.
Herbs are God’s magic gifts for man.
Vegetables are builders and do not have detoxification power unless they are herbs which do both.
Thus, veggies are not recommended for cleansing but they are okay to eat if desired occasionally.
Life during and after Master Fast or Super or MFS Hybrid
Please AVOID the following, like your life depends on it:
Dairy products as they are mucus-forming.
Grains and starches as they cause inflammation.
Proteins, such as meats, beans, nuts and seeds as they congest and deteriorate the kidneys.
Isolates such as vitamins, minerals, chemicals and drugs, as well as processed foods as they do not have balanced chemistry.
Fats, especially oils, as they cause inflammation and slow down detoxification and plug you up.
Stimulants such as coffee, chocolate, salt, sugar and alcohol (not herbal tinctures or herbal wines) as they weaken the adrenals.
Hot peppers as they are mucus-forming, very minimal and none if you are acidic.
Cooked tomatoes as they are very acidic.
Microwaved foods and drinks.
Unplug your microwave if you have one or get rid of it. They are lethal to all living cells.
Make sure that the bowels are always moving. We are not looking for any “nutrition” within the first few weeks of breaking the fast or ever. We are looking for foods that move our bowels as fast as possible (soaked prunes maybe an option or prune juice).
You will be craving everything in the first few weeks, but will not be hungry. Chew, chew, and chew everything until liquid. It will take some time for the digestive system and true hunger to come back to life after 40 or more days of fasting. Stay on a clean diet for as long as you can, preferably for life.
Coaching/support by a MFS Specialist may help you make better choices when you have intense cravings and are emotionally unsettled. Your mind will play games with you like never before. So be ready. Set your goals, prepare yourself for breaking the fast, and try not to have anything around the house that might tempt you. Keep only fresh fruit and greens you love around your home.
Practice daily all types breathing exercises, go out in Nature, walk barefoot to get grounded again, keep busy, exercise, etc.
The Master Fast System takes courage, determination and faith in the ultimate unseen outcome. It calls for commitment to give up old, familiar, easy, toxic habits and to take up new, unfamiliar, seemingly challenging ones. Changing habits is one of the most challenging things to accomplish, but it sure is worth it. There is a fear factor involved in giving up old habits, even when we know they are bad for us. We pray you do whatever it takes to start your path into a cleaner lifestyle. Do a minimum of 40 to 108 days or more on the Master Fast System. This is a very powerful detoxifier/cleanser and a great start to a healthy balanced lifestyle. Basically, MFS works like a plumbers cleaning job on the body since our whole body is made out of pipes.
Remember MFS is a system for deep cleansing and/or a way of life for very few who choose. So once you complete your initial deep 40-108 days, then we suggest you do a yearly maintenance of 2-4 MFS per year for 30-40 days or more. Using the sequence of Divine 9 is magical (3-6-9’s are special, so is 40 days).
This is MFS in a nutshell.
Daily dry fasting: 12-20 hours – Start on low end, move up slowly over weeks/months/years if not a regular faster and a clean eater for minimum 1-2 years.
Weekly dry fasting: 24-48 hours – Start on low end, move up slowly over weeks/months/years if not a regular faster and clean eater for minimum 1-2 years.
Monthly dry fasting: 72 hours, do your best (all dry fasting includes sleeping hours).
Every Season change dry fasting: 5 days dry for experienced people ONLY (more than 5 days is not recommended without supervision and a minimum of 1-2 years of dry fasting experience with a clean diet). No enemas during dry fasting, we do not worry about bowel movements inside dry fasting. When breaking a dry fast over 24 hours, we end with the MFS Bubbly™©, then enema(s) a few hours later.
My MFS Schedule
I drink my 1st cup of kidney tea with minimum Divine 9 tinctures inside my tea at approx 12-1pm, wait 10-15 minutes (tea and tinctures 2 times daily).
Then I have my Plasma Pudding with Concord grape/lemon (lemon is an option for pudding) or prune juice, if I want bowel help.
Next, I sip on juice till 4-5 pm. 1-3 Litres daily, 1-2 lemons per litre/quart of grape juice.
Last thing inside my drinking window I have my kidney tea and minimum Divine 9 tinctures at least 1/2 hour after my last sip of juice.
If I need to do enema, I try and do it inside this drinking window if possible or a little outside is okay. Early mornings are great or anytime you need to.
You can have a larger or smaller drinking/wet window each day. Adjust times hours to make it doable for you.
When starting the longer weekly dry fasts (24-36 hours or more), we start the dry fast with an enema, then drink the MFS Bubbly™©.
When breaking the dry fast, we end it with the MFS Bubbly™©, then an enema a few hours after hydrating with kidney tea then grape/lemon juice if less than 5 days dry. If over, wait till next day to drink the juice.
If you leave out any of the things listed here, you are not doing MFS. All parts are essential and crucial for your safety and success.
New faster’s need to be VERY cautious when getting out of bed or out of a chair, do it slowly to avoid feeling dizzy. If you feel dizzy, crouch down immediately and press firmly your finger under your nose upper lip and hold till you feel better.
Use all the tools/tips suggested, they also can be found in MFS Facebook page (in the File section) and all ongoing videos are in my Youtube channel.
Burnt stick on organs/acupressure points
Deep breathing
Cool cloth/ice on back of neck
Keep moving – light exercise esp on dry fasts
To keep warm: rebound (9min) + dry brushing hot water bottle, saunas
Dry Skin Brushing
Castor oil packs
GANS plasma pain/health pads etc
Essential Oils